As faithful stewards of the ministry and mission we share, we continue to seek ways to live generously in Christ. We invite you to join with all the saints at St. Peter’s Presbyterian Church in stewardship, as together we affirm what it means to live gratefully and generously by investing in the work of this congregation and making a financial pledge. When people pledge, the Council can estimate how much money we will have and so can decide what we must spend funds on and where we can dream.
Each of us has our own giving stories – some we remember from the examples of those who taught us to be generous. Some come from our present situations – stories about the joy and satisfaction that giving provides. Stories often change due to changes in our own circumstances. Some stories are rooted in our hopes for the future and our trust in the Lord to provide the means to go there. Giving stories are an important part of our spiritual journey. We will continue to share and show how the ministry of St. Peter’s demonstrates God’s love and leads to changed lives. The stories of our shared life and witness grow out of God’s love in Christ – the rich ground from which new life arises. Our pledges to the mission of the church sustain us and send us out as peacemakers and vessels of God’s love. When we share our commitment and financial support, we act on the imagination of Jesus, who sees enough bread to go around, enough courage to speak the truth, and enough love to overcome all things.
Your pledge to St. Peter’s, along with your time and talents, will help shape the future of our shared ministry and empower our service to our community and world. So please ask yourselves prayerfully, “What percentage can I give / what will I give.”
Your tax deductible donation by personal check can be sent to:
St. Peter’s Presbyterian Church
PO Box 14
Spencertown, NY 12165.
Thank you.